Copyright © 2012 Giuseppe Cavalieri . All rights reserved

……”in the Subway, “the womb of New York City”, where steel and cement mega-structures overwhelm the sense of human dimension and the only healthful mind choice is to believe in a special soul of your own, right there, as a transcending force, lives indomitable the sacred soul of music”……
In an endless quest for the universal beyond the particular, the pictures of the book “METROMUSIC” capture, with emotional purity, the enlightening vitality that the music brings into the metropolitan underground.
The evocative images encountered in this photographic journey achieve a unique lyricism with the virtue of simplicity and the author’s intimate involvement with the subjects of his contemplation. They mirror the true essence of music : "the mysterious enchantment that universally connects and unites human spirits, lifting them on the wings of freedom, above the absurd fabricated barriers of racial diversity and ethnic pluralism".

( "MetroMusic" : the new Peppe Cavalieri's book coming soon )